Internal audits are important means of control every organization/laboratory’s management should have in its hands. Their role is to inspect the managing system and the professional work, in order to ensure they both meet the GMP standard required of them. Furthermore, Internal audits are an additional risk management mechanism put in place early on in order to identify non compliances...
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Internal audits are important means of control every organization/laboratory’s management should have in its hands. Their role is to inspect the managing system and the professional work, in order to ensure they both meet the GMP standard required of them.
Furthermore, Internal audits are an additional risk management mechanism put in place early on in order to identify non compliances and malfunctions. This process allows the organization the opportunity to take necessary corrective and preventive actions, thus minimizing the probability of much greater non compliances occuring or being uncovered by external auditors and putting any pending marketing approval at risk.
A qualified internal auditor can also perform other audits, both inside and outside the organization.
Throughout the course, we shall be discussing the various components of planning an audit based on risk management, performing an audit and drawing conclusions from internal audits. We shall also discuss the evaluation of the effectiveness of the corrective measures implemented by the organization.