Orna Dreazen

Areas of Expertise: Pharmaceutical/Biologics, Quality
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CEO and Chairperson of the Board of Directors at Nextar.

Dr. Orna Dreazen holds a Ph.D in Biochemistry from the Weizmann Institute of Science. Her postdoctoral studies were completed at University of California in Los Angeles. In 1994 she got a diploma in Business administration from the Tel Aviv University. Dreazen served in key positions in the Industry as well as a public servant: She was the Quality control manager of Interpharm Laboratories Ltd., Established a start up biotech company, Portaman pharmaceuticals Ltd. Between 1994 and 2000, she was the General Director of the National Public Health Laboratories of the Ministry of Health and between 2000 to 2008 she served as the General director of the Israel Laboratory Accreditation Authority. In this capacity, she was involved in many international activities like taking an active role as a member in the Board of Director of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), The Arrangement Committee Chairperson, representing ILAC in ISO and WHO, and The Bureau International Poids and Measures (BIPM) managing the metrology, weights and measures around the world. Dr. Dreazen is an expert in Quality and Metrology and was the Chairperson of the Israel Society of Metrology.

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