Order Subscription

Subscription price: 16,650 NIS

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Total Price: 16,650 NIS

Terms of registration

Terms of registration

The subscription club grants you participation in 10 days of Bioforum activities – seminars, courses or workshops.

  1. Validity:
    • The subscription club is valid for 2 years from the day it was purchased.
    • In case the subscription wasn’t fully used by then, the remainder can’t be used unless the remaining days were not used due to Bioforum activity postponements or cancelations.
    • In this case the subscription will be prolonged by another 6 months.
  2. Special terms:
    • Members of the subscription club can use up to 20% of the subscription for courses conducted by lecturers from abroad (Bioforum International).
    • If a member wishes to sign-up more employees to Bioforum International courses, it will be eligible for 10% discount from the course full price.
    • The subscription club is not valid in societies activities (conferences, seminars, society meetings) and professional training
  3. Cancelation policy:
    • A cancellation of participation must be received at least 5 working days prior to the opening date.
    • Any cancellation later than 5 working days will be fully paid.
  4. Cost and payment terms:
    • The price of 10 Bioforum seminar, course or workshop days – 16,650 NIS + VAT
    • Payment due to BioForum will be paid within 30 days of issue of invoice

BioForum preserves the right to delay/cancel any activity based on its judgment, with a 24 hours notice.

Date 15/02/2025 09:01:31