Tami Barazani-Brutman

Areas of Expertise: Clinical Trials, Professional training
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Dr. Tami Barazani Brutman is the head of the clinical studies team at the National Hemophilia Center and Thrombosis Institute in Tel Hashomer, Israel. Dr Barazani Brutman received her PhD degree in Biology from Bar Ilan University (she was awarded a scholarship for excellent students). She joined the National Hemophilia Center in 2009 and has been responsible for all the clinical trials in the field of Hemophilia and Thrombosis. Dr Barazani Brutman leads a professional team of study coordinators and in the last 12 years, she was involved in dozens of international multicenter hemophilia studies including pharmacokinetic studies. Dr. Barazani Brutman was the leading staff member during the conduct of three FDA inspections (Sep 2012, May 2015 and Dec 2019), which were concluded as successful with the result of NAI.

In addition, Dr. Barazani Brutman is involved in writing grant proposals and is the author of dozen publications including original research manuscripts published at high impact journals as well as abstracts presented at many scientific international meetings. She has served as an invited speaker for several research meetings and takes part in international advisory board of nurses and study coordinators.

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