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Dr. Edmond Israelski
Ed Israelski is director of human factors at Abbott, a medical device and pharmaceutical company.  He joined Abbott in 2001, where he leads a cross-division team to imbed best-practice human factors HF design methods into all of Abbott’s products, to ensure safety and usability. He does this through hands-on design and evaluation of key new products, training internal resources, writing corporate policy and guidelines and facilitating the use of outside professional HF resources.

Ed is co-chair of the AAMI Human Factors Engineering committee, which develops HF standards for medical devices. He is also the convener for IEC and ISO Ergonomic groups in developing international HF medical devices standards. He is a certified human factors professional CHFP.  He has authored fourteen book chapters and numerous articles in the area of human factors. Ed holds twenty-seven patents. He is a fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and a member of APA, UPA and previously the National Academy of Sciences Committee On Human-System Design Support For Changing Technology. He has served as a juror for the MDEA Medical Design Excellence Awards. He was selected by MDDI magazine as one of the 100 Notable People in the Medical Device industry in 2008. He is on the editorial board for the journal Human Factors and serves as a regular reviewer for several other scientific journals.

He has worked as a systems engineer, product manager, market researcher, industrial/organizational psychologist as well as a human factors engineer.  He was technical manager of the human factors systems group at Lucent Technologies – Bell Labs, formerly AT&T. Later he was director of HF for SBC/Ameritech where his organization supported the design and evaluation of user interfaces for telecommunications products.  In 2000, he became chief technology officer at Human Factors International, a user interface design and consulting firm in information technology.  Ed is an adjunct instructor at Northwestern Univ and Virginia Tech and previously for New Jersey Institute of Technology. He received a B.S. in electrical engineering from NJIT, an M.S. in operations research from Columbia University and a Ph.D. in industrial and engineering psychology from Stevens Institute of Technology.

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