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The first part of the seminar describes the role of analytical support in pharmaceutical development, especially in development of formulations for generic pharmaceutical products.
The main emphasis will be on the special role of pharmaceutical analysis in assessing information on the quality of pharmaceutical products. The correct choice of parameters to be measured will be discussed.
Special attention will be given to building interdisciplinary communication and establishing a common language.
The key aims of drug analysis – quality and safety – will be reviewed, as well as types of analytical tasks with respect to the requirements of regulatory authorities.
The second part of the seminar will be dedicated to the role of pharmaceutical analysis in assessing information on the quality of pharmaceutical products. Meaning and importance of selectivity and specificity in pharmaceutical analysis will be discussed. Introduction of separation methods (chromatography, etc.) into the pharmaceutical analysis will be explained and justified.
The following issues will be covered:
The third part of the seminar will be dedicated to assessment of drug performance characteristics, especially, dissolution testing. Special emphasis will be placed on the fact that it is a quality control tool and an aid to formulation development, and may also be indicative of changes in stability.
The following issues will be covered:
The last part of the seminar will deal with some auxiliary tests relevant for pharmaceutical development.
The following issues will be covered:
Participants will learn about:
& – above all –
Building interdisciplinary communication and establishing a common language between the R&D and the analytical staff
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